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STAT 245 Projects

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STAT 245 Projects

Applied Statistics

The last several Fall semesters, I have taught STAT 245, Advanced Data Analysis, at Calvin University. Students learn applied regression techniques, from multiple linear regression all the way to GLMs, GEEs and GAMMs.

Service Learning

S245 students work in groups as statistical consultants for community partners with data needs, providing visualizations, summary statistics, and statistical analysis. Projects also include an interactive element, such as a map or online dashboard. Past project partners have included:

Calvin University’s Service Learning Center is a valued partner in facilitating these projects.

We are always looking for more partners. If you have a potential project for students to work on, please get in touch!

Course Materials

Some of the previous course materials are available online, with an accompanying R package (with a few functions that simplify tasks I assign students). Please note that the R package is under development and not likely very useful to anyone but my students at the moment.

Stacy DeRuiter
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

I teach statistics and use them to understand how animals behave, especially their reactions to sound.