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StatTutoR logo


For introductory statistics courses, I maintain an R-code reference app and a set of interactive learnR tutorials. These introduce students to graphics using ggformula, data analysis using mosaic (the website is old but the mosaic R package is great), and reproducible research in RStudio using Rmarkdown. Web-hosted versions of these are linked in the R-code-reference app - click on the “Tutorials” tab.

The tutorials are available on GitHub in a R package – to install it, first install devtools and the learnr package, then run the code below in R:


Then, to run a tutorial, run in R:

learnr::run_tutorial("Put-Tutorial-Name-Here", package = "StatTutor")

The tutorials include:

  • RBasics
  • RmdDataIO (Rmarkdown and reading in data)
  • PlottingBasics
  • AdvancedPlotting
  • and there are more…bootstrapping, randomizations, hypothesis tests, shiny apps, etc.
Stacy DeRuiter
Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

I teach statistics and use them to understand how animals behave, especially their reactions to sound.