I teach statistics and do applied statistics research at Calvin University. I’m a statistical ecologist working on method development and applications, especially for dependent multivariate time-series. In other words, I use biologging and acoustic data to understand how animals (mostly whales) change behavior in response to sound.
PhD in Biological Oceanography, 2008
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BA in Biology and Paracollege, 2000
St Olaf College
Measuring behavioral responses of Atlantic short-finned pilot whales and Cuvier’s beaked whales to Naval Mid-Frequency Active Sonar (MFAS)
Multi-sector collaboration to assess health impacts of mass distribution of household water filters
Statistical consultancy for a project promoting women’s reproductive health and knowledge
LearnR tutorials for introductory statistics courses
Collaborative work with MarEcoTel and NUWC Newport to understand whale responses to naval sonar sounds
Advanced stat students do service-learning statistical consultancy projects